20 February 2013

.: The No Title Post :.

In the midst of confusions...

I've been single for so many years and I wonder why. Nothing seems to working out for me when it comes in forming a relationship.And being an Indian,it's a big Question MARK placed on you ' WHY ARE YOU SINGLE ' and the worst part when you younger sister is married and have a son and you are still searching you man.How worst things can be ??
Probably,being single or staying single is the trend but I prefer to have companion.Some might say,hey just go for an uncommitted relation but come on,being 29,uncommitted relationship is the least I'm expecting !!
The world might have changed but there's this your culture value in you that was embedded from young and you believe in the getting married,having kids,being a loving wife and caring mother,what else a women want ?despite the shopping's,diamonds or what so ever.( we never or will be satisfied).
I'm not sure about other women's desire but this is mine.Well,put the career apart,whats the point if you are the peek of your career but down the pitch when comes to relationship? I hate being single especially during Valentines and on my Birthday !! Its sad right ???
I hope before I turn 30 next year,i will end my SINGLE curse !! (fingercrossed )


ʞɐ said...

I don't know much about relationships, so can't say much about it. Guess, I too am looking for one, or may be two (just for the safe side). #I'mJustKidding :P

Hope you find what you are looking for before this years ends.
Hmm, All the Best.
Take Care. :)

ME said...

thn you should consider 3,flirt with 2 and finalize with 1 to walk down the aisle..heheh just kidding too..
thanks for the wishes.
All de best to you too.. ;)

ʞɐ said...

I wish I had that many options/choices. I am too bad with flirting only. So, rest is just history. :( :P

But, Thanks, anyway. :D

My Cactus Dress said...

You know, I never believed in the institution of Marriage or at least thought they were hard to accept. I however, found the love of my life after I was 25 and married him in 6 months. It is so much better to be alone than to be with the wrong person just because we HAVE to be.
Fortunately, you KNOW what you want and that is the best part. The perfect this is waiting for you and would soon cross paths with you. All the best.
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